What are you gonna do? Cry little English boy? haha
the conversations:
@ashrafsinclair do you really have to speak like an Indonesian even on twitter? Have you forgotten where you came from? :/OMG, I think he was really pissed on you! Look at this:
@nurlynsk because I’m speaking to ppl from indonesia, have u forgotten where I am right now?
@ashrafsinclair just sayin ? dude take a chill pill
nurlynsk : ‘Entrepreneur’ my ass. Haha What do you have? I million rupees ? (you should look at his page, he wrote he’s an entrepreneur. like seriously?)
I blocked him and his wife.
@nurlynsk Btw, if u were in england would u speak melayu to them? And why r u even speaking english? Have u forgotten where u come from?
@ashrafsinclair you crack me up by being all sarcastic. HA-HA
@ashrafsinclair BTW English is a WORLD WIDE language. Even twitter is in english.
He blocked me.
Hahahaha you have to admit it’s kinda funny ;)
- Learning to use the Block feature. I like it.45 minutes ago from UberTwitter
- Gw mau ngomong pake bahasa apa aja… Sebab tak penting cakap pakai bahasa mana pun… Cause its still ME doing the talking.42 minutes ago from UberTwitter